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Коды ошибок MAN часть 6

03185.EBS...... Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
03185.EHLA........CAN signal 'Day' in 'Time/Date' message
03185.FFR...... CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 5 and 6
03186.AST...CAN data bus primary retarder WSK, ERC1_WSK
03186.CNG.... Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 6,
damaging to catalytic converter
03186.EBS...... Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty outlet and intake valve checkback
03186.EHLA.... CAN signal 'Month' in 'Time/Date' message
03186.FFR... CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 7
03187.AST..CAN data bus primary retarder configuration information
03187.CNG........Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE), total,
damaging to catalytic converter
03187.EBS...... Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
03187.EHLA.......CAN signal 'Year' in 'Time/Date' message
03187.FFR...... CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 8 and 9
03188.AST.......Control unit fault, incorrect interrupt
03188.CNG........Input parameters filling acquisition
03188.EBS....... Pressure control module, right front axle
03188.EHLA.......... CAN signal 'Engine Speed'
03188.FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 10
03189.AST............ Control unit fault, stack watch
03189.EBS....... Pressure control module, right front axle
03189.EHLA.........CAN signal 'Front Axle Speed'
03189.FFR...... CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 11 and 12
03190.AST.......EOL EEPROM parameter outside valid range
03190.EBS...... Pressure control module, right front axle,
no CAN reception from module
03190.EHLA..... CAN signal 'Tachograph Vehicle Speed'
03190.FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 13
03191.AST........ EOL EEPROM: checksum error
03191.EBS...... Pressure control module, right front axle,
software incompatibility between control unit
and pressure control module
03191.EHLA........CAN signal 'Wheel_BasedVehicleSpeed'
03191.FFR...... CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 14 and 15
03192.AST..... Control unit fault – EEPROM access fault
03192.EBS...... Pressure control module, right front axle,
12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit
and pressure control module
03192.FFR...... CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 16 and 17
03193.AST............. ECU temperature too high
03193.EBS...... Pressure control module, right front axle,
high cycle protection intake valve active,
pressure < 4 bar
03193.EMOS ......Permitted temperature limit value exceeded
03193.FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 18
03194.AST.... Failure of both signal sources for front axle speed
03194.EBS...... Pressure control module, right front axle,
arithmetic test not successful
03194.EHLA....CAN signal 'ASR Engine Control Active Passive'
03194.FFR... CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD, byte 0
03195.EBS...... Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
03195.EHLA......CAN signal 'ASR Brake Control Active Passive'
03195.FFR... CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD, byte 1
03196.AST.......CAN data bus vehicle mileage from
central on-board computer ZBR2, Veh_Dist
03196.EBS...... Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
03196.EHLA....... CAN signal 'Anti-Lock Braking (ABS) Active'
03196.EMOS ...........Timeout of Veh_Dist message
03196.FFR... CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD, byte 2
03197.EBS...... Pressure control module, right front axle,
electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor
03197.FFR....CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 0
03198.AST.......CAN data bus relative wheel speed from
EBS, EBC2 (WSI) (relative wheel speed)
03198.EBS...... Pressure control module, right front axle,
pressure differential on
pressure control module pair, front axle
03198.FFR.... CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, bytes 1 and 2
03199.AST.........CAN data bus wheel speed information
from EBS, EBC2 (WSI)
03199.EBS....... Pressure control module, right front axle
03199.EMOS ............Timeout of EBC2 message
03199.FFR....CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 3
03200.EBS.... Pressure control module, left rear axle, no fault
03200.ECAS .... Supply voltage / feedback, solenoid valves
03200.FFR....CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 4
03201.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
03201.EBS_K1 ......... Wheel sensor rear axle left
03201.ECAS ........Solenoid valve 2/2 left REAR AXLE
03201.EHLA.............. Valve output 1
03201.FFR.... CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, bytes 5 and 6
03201.OBDU............ Charge air pressure
03201.ZBR2...........Low pressure in air filter
03202.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor A: Delay too long
03202.ECAS ......... Solenoid valve 2/2 right REAR AXLE
03202.EHLA.............. Valve output 2
03202.FFR....CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 7
03203.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
03203.ECAS .......Solenoid valve 2/2 FRONT AXLE
03203.EHLA.............. Valve output 3
03203.FFR....CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 0
03203.OBDU.......... Leak in oil pump overflow valve
03204.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
03204.ECAS .....Solenoid valve 3/3 lower/load lifting/trailing axle
03204.EHLA.............. Valve output 4
03204.FFR.... CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, bytes 1 and 2
03204.ZBRO.............. EDC is active
03205.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor A
03205.ECAS ......Solenoid valve 3/3 lift/unload lifting/trailing axle
03205.EHLA.............. Valve output 5
03205.FFR....CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 3
03205.ZBRO..............EDC brake lamp
03206.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
long instability wheel sensor A
03206.ECAS ............Solenoid valve 3/2 reservoir
03206.EHLA.............. Valve output 6
03206.FFR....CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 4
03206.ZBRO...........EDC overtravel relay
03207.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03207.EBS_K1 ........ Impulse wheel fault rear axle left
03207.ECAS ........ Solenoid valve 3/3 lifting bellows
03207.EHLA.............. Valve output 7
03207.FFR....CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 5
03207.ZBRO............. EDC malfunction
03208.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
03208.ECAS .........Solenoid valve 2/2, 3rd AXLE RIGHT
03208.EHLA.............. Valve output 8
03208.FFR....CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 6
03208.ZBRO............. EDC malfunction
03209.AST.... Emergency off button pressed or ECU de-energised
03209.EBS...... Pressure control module, left rear axle
03209.EBS_K1 ..........Brake/impulse wheel/
sensor combination rear axle left
03209.ECAS ....... Solenoid valve 2/2, 3rd AXLE LEFT
03209.FFR....CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 7
03209.ZBRO............... EDC ignition on
03210.AST......... CAN data bus tachograph from
central on-board computer ZBR2, TCO1
03210.EBS...... Pressure control module, left rear axle
03210.EMOS ............Timeout of TCO1 message
03210.FFR....CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TCO1, byte 0
03210.OBDU.............. Air filter vacuum
03211.AST........CAN data bus gearbox check from
vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
03211.CNG............. Knock sensor 2
03211.EBS..... Pressure control module, left rear axle, interruption,
short-circuit wheel sensor B
03211.EMOS ........ Timeout of TC1_FT message
03211.FFR....CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TCO1, byte 1
03211.KSM..............Oil pressure.
03211.OBDU.........Engine oil pressure too low
03211.TPM ......Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 1
03211.ZBRO.........Engine oil pressure too low
03212.AST........CAN data bus gearbox check from
vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
(requested gear)
03212.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor B: Delay too long
03212.ECAS .......Solenoid valve transverse throttle
03212.FFR....CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TCO1, byte 2
03212.OBDU...........Oil pressure too high
03212.TPM ......Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 1
03213.AST........CAN data bus gearbox check from
vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
(requested range)
03213.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
03213.FFR....CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TCO1, byte 3
03213.TPM ....Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 1
03214.AST........CAN data bus gearbox check from
vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
(PTO request)
03214.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
03214.FFR....CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TCO1, bytes 4 and 5
03214.TPM ....Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 1
03214.ZBRO..............FFR malfunction
03215.AST..........CAN data bus information from
central on-board computer (aux_stat_zbr#1), timeout
03215.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor B
03215.FFR........CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TCO1, bytes 6 and 7
03215.ZBRO..............FFR malfunction
03216.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
long instability wheel sensor B
03216.ECAS . Solenoid valve 3/3, lift/unload 2nd lifting/trailing axle
03216.FFR........CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message VEH_DIST, bytes 0 to 3
03216.ZBRO......Accelerator pedal not pressed (T-CAN)
03217.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
03217.ECAS .... Solenoid valve 3/3, lower/load 2nd lifting/trailing axle
03217.FFR........CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message VEH_DIST, bytes 4 to 5
03217.ZBRO.......... Accelerator pedal pressed
03218.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
03218.FFR........CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 0
03218.ZBRO......Accelerator pedal kickdown (T-CAN)
03219.EBS...... Pressure control module, left rear axle
03219.FFR........CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 1
03219.ZBRO........ Accelerator pedal position (0...250)
03220.CNG............. Knock control zero test
03220.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor
03220.EBS_K1 ....Electrical power supply pad wear sensor
(rear axle left or rear axle)
03220.EHLA............ CAN message 'Door_Ctrl'
03220.FFR........CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 2
03220.ZBRO......... Cooling water level too low
03221.CNG.............. Knock control offset
03221.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
03221.EHLA..........CAN message 'Time_Date'
03221.FFR........CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 3
03221.TPM ......Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 2
03221.ZBRO........ Cooling water level probe supply
03222.CNG............Knock control test pulse
03222.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
03222.EHLA.. CAN message 'High Resolution Vehicle Distance'
03222.FFR........CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 4
03222.TPM ......Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 2
03222.ZBRO........Cooling water temperature too high
03223.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pressure sensor outside permitted value range
03223.EHLA.............. CAN message 'ETC2'
03223.FFR........CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 6
03223.TPM ....Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 2
03223.ZBRO..........Cooling water temperature
03224.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
time for 'Current pressure' inquiry too long
03224.EHLA.............. CAN message 'EBC1'
03224.FFR....CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TIME/DATE, bytes 7 and 8
03224.TPM ....Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 2
03224.ZBRO........Cooling water temperature too high
03225.CNG........Requirement adaptation at stop
03225.EBS....Pressure control module, left rear axle, poor ventilation
03225.FFR.... CAN data bus: Retarder message RE_FLUIDS, byte 2
03225.ZBRO..........Motronic (accelerator) malfunction
03226.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
excessive pressure during pulse test
03226.FFR.... CAN data bus: Retarder message RE_FLUIDS, byte 2
03226.ZBRO..........Motronic (accelerator) malfunction
03227.AST.........Data field for CAN communication
03227.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
residual pressure after braking
03227.FFR.... CAN data bus: Retarder message RE_FLUIDS, byte 3
03227.ZBRO.........Engine oil pressure too low
03228.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pressure sensor fault without braking
03228.FFR.... CAN data bus: Retarder message RD_FLUIDS, byte 2
03228.ZBRO............. Engine oil pressure
03229.EBS...... Pressure control module, left rear axle
03229.FFR.... CAN data bus: Retarder message RD_FLUIDS, byte 2
03230.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor IC defective
03230.ECAS ...........Setpoint level control
03230.EHLA.Signature ECU lids (LID 0x86-0x9F) - advance warning
03230.FFR.... CAN data bus: Retarder message RD_FLUIDS, byte 3
03231.CNG......... Charge air pressure governing system
03231.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty backup valve checkback
03231.ECAS .................. Leakage
03231.EHLA.....Signature ECU lids (LID 0x86-0x9F) - error
03231.FFR..... CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, byte 1
03231.TPM ......Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 3
03231.ZBRO......... Oil replenishment float switch
03232.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty intake valve checkback
03232.EHLA..........Signature variable priority lids
(LID 0x40-0x47) - advance warning
03232.FFR.......... CAN data bus: Astronic message
TSC1_TE, bytes 2 and 3
03232.TPM ......Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 3
03232.ZBRO...........Oil replenishment valve
03233.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty intake and backup valve checkback
03233.EHLA.... Signature variable priority lids (LID 0x40-0x47) - error
03233.FFR..... CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, byte 3
03233.TPM ....Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 3
03233.ZBRO............. Engine oil level (T-CAN)
03234.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty outlet valve checkback
03234.FFR..... CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, byte 4
03234.TPM ....Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 3
03234.ZBRO.....Economy circ. headl. (oil pressure+v<3)
03235.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
03235.FFR...CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, byte 0
03235.ZBRO.......... DeltecCNG malfunction
03236.EBS.........Exhaust and intake valve checkback
(rear axle left or rear axle)
03236.FFR... CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, bytes 1 and 2
03236.ZBRO.......... DeltecCNG malfunction
03237.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
03237.FFR...CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, byte 3
03237.ZBRO............EMS3.3 malfunction
03238.EBS...... Pressure control module, left rear axle
03238.EHLA...............Air pressure switch
03238.FFR...CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, byte 4
03238.ZBRO............EMS3.3 malfunction
03239.EBS...... Pressure control module, left rear axle
03239.EHLA...... Actuator test when vehicle moving cancelled
s03239 ...FFR.....CAN databus: Central on-board computer
message AUX_ZBR1, bytes 0 and 1
03239.ZBRO............ Fire in engine compartment
03240.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
no CAN reception from module
03240.EHLA..........Redundant electrical power supply
03240.FFR.....CAN databus: Central on-board computer
message AUX_ZBR1, byte 2
03240.ZBRO............ Fire in engine compartment
03241.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
software incompatibility between control unit
and pressure control module
03241.EHLA...... Incorrect operation steering program change
03241.FFR.....CAN databus: Central on-board computer
message AUX_ZBR1, byte 4
03241.TPM ......Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 4
03241.ZBRO........Engine control unit activation (T-CAN)
03242.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit and
pressure control module
03242.EHLA............ CAN communication
03242.FFR.....CAN databus: ECAS message ECAS1, bytes 5 to 7
03242.TPM ......Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 4
03242.ZBRO...........Engine oil pressure (T-CAN)
03243.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
high cycle protection intake valve active, pressure < 4 bar
03243.EHLA..... First non-volatile memory is inconsistent
03243.FFR.......CAN data bus: Message ERC1_RE, byte 1
03243.TPM ....Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 4
03243.ZBRO.......Oil replenishment oil level too low
03244.EBS..... Pressure-control module (rear axle left or rear axle)
defective, arithmetic test unsuccessful
03244.EHLA.............Lowside switch
03244.FFR... CAN data bus: ECAM message ECAM1, byte 4
03244.TPM ....Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 4
03244.ZBRO.......Oil replenishment oil level too low
03245.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
03245.EHLA.............. Speed limiting system
03245.ZBRO.........ECE36 emergency shut-off
03246.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
03246.EHLA............... Incorrect operation
03246.ZBRO........Cooling water level probe not connected
03247.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor
03247.EHLA............Parameters for controls
03247.FFR.... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
ESP message VDC1.
03247.ZBRO... Engine oil pressure warning contact not conn.
03248.EBS......... Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pressure differential on pressure control module pair,
rear axle
03248.EHLA............... Control, sticking
03248.ZBRO....EDC malfunction (before 1st starting attempt)
03249.EBS........... Redundant pressure rear axle
03249.EHLA...... Second non-volatile memory, inconsistent
03249.ZBRO..........EDC malfunction (engine running)
03250.EBS...... Pressure control module, right rear axle, no fault
03250.EHLA.............. Geometry parameters
03250.FFR.......... Comfort Shift inputs (CS1 and CS2)
03250.ZBRO......EDC malfunction (starting not possible)
03251.EBS....... Pressure control module, right rear axle,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
03251.EHLA.........Axle movement parameters
03251.FFR................ RSG/RSL switch
03251.TPM ......Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 5
03251.ZBRO........... Hydro fan oil level too low
03252.EBS....... Pressure control module, right rear axle,
wheel sensor A: Delay too long
03252.EHLA.........Steering reduction parameters
03252.FFR.................Splitter switch
03252.TPM ......Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 5
03252.ZBRO...............FFR check
03253.EBS....... Pressure control module, right rear axle,
wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
03253.EHLA........ Steering suppression parameters
03253.FFR................Int. coupling
03253.TPM ....Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 5
03253.ZBRO............... FFR warning
03254.EBS....... Pressure control module, right rear axle,
wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
03254.EHLA......... Axle configuration parameters
03254.TPM ....Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 5
03254.ZBRO........Cool.w.lev.probe too low or probe n.c.
03255.EBS....... Pressure control module, right rear axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor A
03255.EHLA........Internal monitoring of software runtime
03255.FFR.................Input ZDR1
03255.ZBRO....... Back pressure CRT filter too high
03256.EBS....... Pressure control module, right rear axle,
long instability wheel sensor A
03256.FFR.................Input ZDR2
03257.EBS....... Pressure control module, right rear axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03257.FFR.................Input ZDR3
03258.EBS....... Pressure control module, right rear axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
03258.FFR........... Input request power take-off 1
03259.EBS........ Pressure control module, right rear axle
03259.EBS_K1 .......Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination
rear axle right
03259.FFR........... Input request power take-off 2
03260.EBS........ Pressure control module, right rear axle
03260.ECAS ....... Supply voltage / feedback, damper valve
03260.FFR............. Input ECO / Power
03261.EBS....... Pressure control module, right rear axle,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
03261.ECAS ............. Damper valve, front axle
03261.EHLA....... Function computer, computer unit
03261.FFR.......... Input checkback power take-off 1

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