03000.EBS...................No fault
03000.EHLA......... Electronics error function computer
03000.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
VMC message ETC1.
03000.SKG . Temperature at outfeed of evaporator (KTT n. KTBV)
03000.TBM ....... An unexpected RESET has occurred
03000.TPM ................Tyre pressure
03000.ZBR2................. ZBR system
03001.ACC ............ Additional information 1
03001.EBS....Control unit defective; unknown ?C interrupt,
?C self-test, RAM or ROM test
03001.ECAS ...........Control unit (internal fault)
03001.EDC ......Engine speed sensor, reverse polarity
03001.EHLA.......... Electronic error safety computer
03001.FFR............ Term. 30, continuous positive
03001.GKR..........Interior air temperature sensor
03001.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
VMC message ETC2.
03001.RET........Temperature sensor before engine (T1)
03001.SFFR................ Driver's request
03001.SKG .Temperature at outfeed of ice accumulator (KTT n ESP)
03001.TBM .............Real-time clock TBM
03001.TUER ................RESET
03001.ZBR2..............Wake up, computer
03001.ZBRO.............. External wake-up ZR
03002.ACC ............ Additional information 2
03002.AST............... Y2 valve splitter low
03002.EBS............ Control unit defective,
timeout in data exchange ?C active – ?C passive
03002.EDC .............Segment speed
03002.EHLA.............Digital output parameters
03002.GKR........External air temperature sensor
03002.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
VMC message ETC3.
03002.RET.......Temperature sensor after engine (T2)
03002.SFFR....Speed request ship vehicle management computer
03002.TBM ..............Fault in EEPROM
03002.TUER ..........EE_CHECKSUM_ERROR
03002.ZBRO............ External wake-up1 ZR
03003.ACC ............ Additional information 3
03003.AST..............Y3 valve splitter high
03003.EBS.... Control unit defective; redundancy fault ?c input signal
03003.EDC ........... Engine speed sensor/
auxiliary speed sensor swapped over
03003.GKR...........Blow-out air temperature sensor
03003.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message EBC1.
03003.RET.... Fault (watchdog drop-out / internal error in control unit)
03003.SFFR.............. Terminal 15
03003.SKG .............. Motor / valve B
03003.TBM ..............Fault in RAM disk
03003.ZBRO............ External wake-up2 ZR
03004.ACC ............ Additional information 4
03004.AST............Y4 valve gate position 3 / 4
03004.EBS............ Control unit defective,
checksum data exchange ?C active – ?C passive
03004.EDC ............... EGR valve position
03004.GKR.......... Bypass flap motor potentiometer
03004.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message CcVeh_speed.
03004.LGS.................Control unit
03004.RET.......... EEPROM (data record fault)
03004.SFFR.............. Voltage selector lever
03004.SKG ..............Motor / valve C
03004.TBM ......... Operating temperature TBM
03004.TUER ............ILLEGAL_STATE
03004.ZBRO...........External wake-up ZR by IKN
03005.AST............Y5 valve gate position 1 / 2
03005.EBS.......Control unit defective; EEPROM fault:
Checksum not correct
03005.EDC .......... Timeout, message location 13
03005.EHLA........... Proportional valve outputs
03005.GKR................ Heating valve
03005.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EEC1.
03005.RET............ ROM (checksum incorrect)
03005.SFFR..........Voltage pedal value sensor
03005.SKG ................ Main pump
03005.TBM .....Overcurrent at digital power current outputs
03005.TUER ............... ILLEGAL_EVENT
03005.ZBRO........... Status ZR fault number
03006.AST............Y6 valve shift position 1 / R
03006.EDC ...............Primary speed
03006.GKR....... Recirculation ventilation flap motor
03006.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EEC2.
03006.RET........CAN data bus, TSC1 - message
03006.SKG ............... Recirculating pump
03006.TUER ............. Window lifter motor
03006.ZBRO...............K3-CAN activation
03007.AST............ Y3 valve shift position 2 / 3
03007.EDC ............ DM4 request, invalid PGN
03007.GKR............. Bypass flap motor
03007.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message Eng_Temp.
03007.RET........... CAN data bus, EEC1 - message
03007.SKG ......Communication control element – control unit
03007.TUER ..........right/left switch (mirrors)
03007.ZBRO.............T-CAN activation
03008.AST......... Y3 valve range-change group low
03008.EBS............ Control unit defective;
test transfer from ?c to CAN trailer IC
03008.EDC .........FFR3: Retarder oil temperature invalid
03008.EHLA..........Sensor supply, deviation
03008.GKR...........Blower control voltage
03008.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EngFlui_LevPre.
03008.RET........... CAN data bus, TCO1 - message
03008.SKG ......Filling/bleeding mode not completed correctly
03008.TUER .............. Window lifter shut-off
03008.ZBRO.......... Central computer running on
03009.AST........Y3 valve range-change group high
03009.EBS.. Control unit defective; redundancy fault ?c output signal
03009.EDC ................ Overspeed
03009.EHLA... Voltage supply switched on when vehicle moving
03009.KSM...............CAN data bus:
Time overrun when receiving EDC message Amb_Cond.
03009.RET........... CAN data bus, ERC1 - message
03009.SKG ................ Controller mode
03009.TUER ............Mirror adjust time exceeded
03010.AST.............. Y10 main valve
03010.EBS............ Control unit defective;
wheel diameter compensation value not correct
03010.ECAS .... Control unit (checksum ECU-specific data)
03010.EDC ........Control deviation, injection start
03010.EHLA....Signature EOL parameter advance warning
03010.FFR..... Torque and engine speed limiting system
03010.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
ECAM message ECAM1.
03010.LGS...............Turn indicator signal
03010.RET......... CAN data bus, start error monitoring
03010.SKG ......... On-board voltage (terminal 30)
03010.TBM .............. No GPS signal
03010.TPM ...... Slight leakage: Slight pressure loss at min.
one tyre > approx. 20 mbar/h
03010.TUER ........ incorrect CAN command, door lock
03011.CNG...... Heating probe before catalytic converter
(output stage)
03011.EBS............ Control unit defective;
error in service brake valve characteristic
03011.ECAS .........Control unit (checksum parameter)
03011.EDC ...........Angle of injection start
03011.EHLA............ Signature EOL parameter
03011.FFR............. EVB pressure sensor
03011.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
CBR message Aux_Stat_Zbr1.
03011.LGS................ Left loudspeaker
03011.TBM ............ GPS aerial current
03011.TPM .......... Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 1
03011.TUER .......... Central locking does not lock
03012.EBS............ Control unit defective;
incompatibility in data record version number
03012.ECAS .Control unit (checksum calibration data travel sensors)
03012.EDC ..............CAN module
03012.EHLA............ Value range EOL parameter
03012.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
CBR message Time_Date.
03012.LGS.............. Right loudspeaker
03012.RET....... Pressure from cooler valve (brake lamp)
03012.TPM .......... Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 1
03013.EBS............ Control unit defective;
characteristic in EEPROM not plausible
03013.ECAS ..............Control unit
(checksum calibration data pressure sensors)
03013.EDC ...............CAN bus off
03013.EHLA.............Steering pressure sensor
03013.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
CBR message Veh_Dist.
03013.RET.......... Axial thrust (outside tolerance)
03013.TPM ........ Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 1
03014.EBS...... Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30a)
03014.EDC ............ Main relay blocked
03014.EHLA............... Pressure supply
03014.KSM...CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving C34.
03014.LGS............. Camera module too hot
03014.RET........Pressure sensor positioning pressure
03014.TPM ........ Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 1
03015.EBS...... Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30b)
03015.ECAS .....Control unit (checksum permitted axle loads)
03015.EDC ........ max. time after TERM. 15 OFF exceeded
03015.EHLA..........Pressure supply warning
03015.KSM............ Control unit (RAM)
03015.LGS........... Output driver's seat vibration left
03015.TBM .................GSM modem
03016.EBS........ Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 15)
03016.ECAS ..............Control unit
(checksum calibration data acceleration sensors)
03016.EDC ....FFR1: Bit error zero quantity due to engine brake
03016.KSM............Control unit (ROM)
03016.LGS......... Output driver's seat vibration right
03017.AST.............. Y1 clutch brake
03017.EBS............ ECU supply (external supply)
03017.EDC ........ FFR1: Bit error, nominal torque
03017.KSM.............Control unit (watchdog)
03018.AST......... Small valve for opening the clutch
03018.EBS..... Control unit defective; brake switch 1 or 2
03018.EDC .... FFR1: Bit error top-speed governor parameter ID
03018.EHLA.............Oil level in tank
03018.KSM....... Control unit (EEPROM parameter)
03019.AST...........Small valve for closing the clutch
03019.EBS.. Setpoint sensing (accelerator to brake pedal position)
03019.EDC .... FFR1: EDR min. nominal value not reached
03019.EHLA............... Oil filter blocked
03019.KSM.....Control unit (internal relay voltage supply or
short-circuit terminal 30 - terminal 30 switched output
03020.AST......... Large valve for opening the clutch
03020.EBS.....Faulty supply voltage (5 volts) for analog sensors
03020.EDC ......... FFR1: Bit error, EDR nominal value
03020.FFR........Accelerator pedal, PWM1 signal
03020.KSM.......Control unit (EEPROM fault memory)
03020.SFFR............. Supply voltage
03020.TBM ............. Breakdown switch
03020.TPM ........ Medium leakage: Pressure loss at min.
one tyre approx. 80 mbar/h
03021.AST...........Large valve for closing the clutch
03021.EBS... Faulty pedal brake module potentiometer signal
03021.EDC ......FFR1: Bit error intermediate speed governing
system parameter ID
03021.EHLA.............. CAN message 'EEC1'
03021.FFR........Accelerator pedal, PWM2 signal
03021.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message Fuel_Cons.
03021.SFFR.............. Pedal value sensor
03021.TBM ..............Alarm switch
03021.TPM .......... Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 2
03022.AST....Electrical power supply, speed sensor ASTronic output
03022.EBS........... Faulty axle load sensor 1
03022.EDC ..........FFR1: ISG nominal value
03022.FFR.....Accelerator pedal, PWM1 and PWM2 signal
03022.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
central on-board computer message Dash_Disp.
03022.SFFR............... Selector lever
03022.TBM ................ Chassis number
03022.TPM .......... Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 2
03023.EBS........... Faulty axle load sensor 2
03023.EDC ...... FFR1: Bit error request torque overrevving
03023.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS/ECAS message Veh_Weight.
03023.SFFR.......... Idling speed harmonisation
03023.TBM .............. Geographic width
03023.TPM ........ Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 2
03024.AST........ Current WSK retarder torque in percent
03024.EBS.... Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency between the axles
03024.EBS_K1 .........Dynamic pad trend fault axles
03024.EDC ...... FFR1: Bit error, request ramps off/out
03024.EHLA.............. Engine revs
03024.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message Eng_Hour/Rev.
03024.SFFR............... Default driving unit
03024.TBM .............Geographic length
03024.TPM ........ Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 2
03025.EBS.......... Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 1
03025.EBS_K1 ........ Dynamic pad trend fault front axles
03025.EDC .........FFR1: reserved Bits & Bytes
03025.EHLA.......Cab position, impermissible change when
vehicle moving
03025.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message Veh_Ident.
03025.SFFR................. Engine CAN
03025.TBM ............. GPS position data
03026.AST.......CAN data bus engine configuration from
the EDC, engine configuration
03026.CNG......Vehicle management computer message 1
03026.EBS.......... Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 2
03026.EBS_K1 ........ Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 1
03026.EDC .............. FFR1: Timeout
03026.EHLA..... Cab position, vehicle moving when swivelling
03026.EMOS ......Timeout of Engine_Config message
03026.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message Service.
03026.SFFR................. MMDS CAN
03026.TBM ...............CPU TRAP register
03027.AST... CAN data bus engine configuration from the EDC,
engine configuration
03027.EBS.......... Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 3
03027.EBS_K1 ........ Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 2
03027.EDC ............. FFR2: Driveline fault
03027.EHLA................. Cab position
03027.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message TCO1.
03027.SFFR.....Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC1
03028.AST.... CAN data bus retarder check from secondary retarder,
ERC1_RD (current retarder torque)
03028.EBS.......... Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 4
03028.EBS_K1 ...... Dynamic pad trend fault additional axle
03028.EDC .........FFR2: Nominal torque value too low
03028.EHLA........Cab position, swivelling is taking too long
03028.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message ERC1_RX.
03028.SFFR.....Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC2
03029.AST........ CAN data bus retarder check from
secondary retarder, ERC1
(additional heating of the engine,
engine coolant load increase)
03029.EBS...............SPN undefined
03029.EDC .........FFR2: Bit error, nominal idling value
03029.EHLA........Emergency steering pump, no oil volume
03029.EMOS ........'Request engine speed increase in
braking mode' signal
03029.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message BAM_MTCO_VIN.
03029.SFFR.....Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC3
03030.AST......... CAN data bus retarder configuration
from secondary retarder,
Ret_Conf driveline retarder configuration
03030.EBS......Faulty brake pad wear and retarder relay
output stage checkback
03030.EDC .. FFR2: Bit error, idling speed governing parameter ID
03030.EHLA........... Emergency steering pump
03030.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message P_MTCO_VIN.
03030.SFFR.....Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC4
03030.TPM ..... Severe leakage: Severe pressure loss at min.
one tyre approx. 200 mbar/h
03031.AST........ CAN data bus retarder check from
vehicle management computer engine brake torque
'ERC1_ REX retarder percent torque'
03031.EBS....Faulty retarder relay output stage checkback
03031.EDC ..FFR2: nominal idling speed governing value too high
03031.EHLA.. Pressure build-up in pressure accumulator too short
03031.HDS .............. Urea tank temperature
03031.KSM.........Adjustment lever angle reduction input
(throttle butterfly reduction request)
03031.SFFR.....Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC5
03031.TPM .......... Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 3
03032.AST........ CAN data bus engine brake configuration,
'engine retarder configuration'
03032.EBS.... Faulty brake pad wear output stage checkback
03032.EDC .........FFR2: Bit error, stand alone request
03032.EHLA........... Centring circuit warning
03032.KSM.. Signal frequency at adjustment lever angle reduction
input (throttle butterfly reduction request)
03032.SFFR.....Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EngineConfig
03032.TPM .......... Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 3
03033.AST........ CAN data bus engine brake configuration,
'engine retarder configuration'
03033.EBS.....Invalid checkback signal for the yellow warning light
03033.EDC ............ FFR2: Bit error, start request
03033.EHLA............. Centring circuit
03033.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
body CAN message KSM2_A.
03033.SFFR..... MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
MMDS message TSC1-FME.
03033.TPM ........ Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 3
03034.EBS......Invalid checkback signal for the red warning light
03034.EDC .........FFR2: Bit error, engine stop request
03034.EHLA... Actuator test of axle behaviour in centring circuit,
03034.KSM............Power take-off output
03034.SFFR..... MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
MMDS message Time/Date
03034.TPM ........ Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 3
03035.EBS......Electrical power supply axle modulator
03035.EDC .........FFR2: reserved Bits & Bytes
03035.EHLA.Actuator test of pressure behaviour in centring circuit
03035.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message ERC1_RD.
03035.SFFR..... MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
MMDS message VehDistance
03036.CNG......Vehicle management computer message 2
03036.EBS...... Short-circuit on one of the module output stages
03036.EDC .............. FFR2: Timeout
03036.KSM....... CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message ERC1_RE.
03037.EBS....Vehicle dynamics control steering angle sensor
electrical power supply
03037.EDC .....FFR3: Bit error, pedal value sensor position
03037.KSM.......CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_1.
03038.EBS..............Interaxle lock
03038.EDC .......... FFR3: Bit error, standstill info.
03038.KSM.......CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_2.
03039.EBS..............Lock relay, front axle
03039.EDC .........FFR3: reserved Bits & Bytes
03039.KSM.......CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_3.
03040.CNG......Vehicle management computer message 3
03040.EBS.............. Display bus-stop brake
03040.EDC .............. FFR3: Timeout
03040.EHLA............ Angle encoder configuration