Коды неисправностей KENWORTH T600, T660, T800, W900, C500, All models with 2007 engines

ORIGINAL CIRCUIT WIRING KEY (PHASED OUT STARTING 2004) Wiring Code Definitions Example: C17SR. C-Function. 17-Circuit Number. SR-Destination or Purpose. Example: C17SR. Function...............C = Components. Circuit Number..........17 = Starter Solenoid. Destination or Purpose.... SR = Starter.
CIRCUIT CODE DESCRIPTIONS Number Description - 0700 General, Spare Circuits
- 0710 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits,
- 0711 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery A
- 0712 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery B
- 0713 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery C
- 0714 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery D
- 0715 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Batt Relay NC
- 0716 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Batt Relay NO
- 0717 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Batt Sleeper A
- 0718 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Batt Relay Coil Start
- 0719 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Batt Relay Coil End
- 0720 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits
- 0721 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery E
- 0722 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery F
- 0723 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery G
- 0724 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery H
- 0725 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery J
- 0730 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits
- 0731 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ignition A
- 0732 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ignition B
- 0733 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ignition C
- 0734 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ignition D
- 0735 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ign Relay NC
- 0736 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ign Relay NO
- 0737 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ign Relay Coil Start
- 0738 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ign Relay Coil End
- 0739 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ignition E
- 0740 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits
- 0741 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory E
- 0742 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory F
- 0743 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory G
- 0750 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits
- 0751 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory A
- 0752 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory B
- 0753 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory C
- 0754 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory D
- 0755 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare ACC Relay NC
- 0756 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare ACC Relay NO
- 0757 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare ACC Sleeper A
- 0758 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare ACC Relay Coil Start
- 0759 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare ACC Relay Coil End
- 0760 General, Spare Circuits, Start Circuits
- 0761 General, Spare Circuits, Start Circuits, Spare Start A
- 0770 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits
- 0771 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits, Spare Circuit A
- 0772 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits, Spare Circuit B
- 0773 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits, Spare Circuit C
- 0774 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits, Spare Circuit D
- 0775 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits, Spare Circuit E
- 0780 General, Spare Circuits, Auxiliary Circuit
- 0781 General, Spare Circuits, Auxiliary Circuit, Chassis Aux
- 0782 General, Spare Circuits, Auxiliary Circuit, Firewall Aux 1
- 0783 General, Spare Circuits, Auxiliary Circuit, Firewall Aux 2
- 0790 General, Spare Circuits, LVD Circuits
- 0791 General, Spare Circuits, LVD Circuits, Spare LVD A
- 0792 General, Spare Circuits, LVD Circuits, Spare LVD B
- 0793 General, Spare Circuits, LVD Circuits, Spare LVD C
- 0794 General, Spare Circuits, LVD Circuits, Spare LVD D
- 0800 General, Data Links
- 0810 General, Data Links, CAN/J1939,
- 0811 General, Data Links, CAN/J1939, Instrumentation CAN
- 0812 General, Data Links, CAN/J1939, Powertrain CAN
- 0813 General, Data Links, CAN/J1939, 3rd Party CAN
- 0814 General, Data Links, CAN/J1939, Multiplex CAN
- 0830 General, Data Links, J1587/J1708,
- 0831 General, Data Links, J1587/J1708, J1587/J1708
- 0840 General, Data Links, J1922/J1708,
- 0841 General, Data Links, J1922/J1708, J1922/J1708
- 0850 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus
- 0851 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus, Proprietary J1708
- 0852 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus, Proprietary CAN
- 0853 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus, Collision Warning Proprietary Bus
- 0854 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus, Central Tire Inflation Proprietary Bus
- 0855 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus, Auxiliary Gauge Bus
- 0860 General, Data Links, K-Line
- 0861 General, Data Links, K-Line, CECU K-Line
- 0862 General, Data Links, K-Line, Cluster K-Line
- 0900 General, Miscellaneous
- 0910 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing
- 0911 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing, Address 01
- 0912 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing, Address 02
- 0913 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing, Address 03
- 0914 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing, Address Plus
- 0915 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing, Address Minus
- 0990 General, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous
- 0991 General, Miscellaneous, Fifth Wheel
- 0992 General, Miscellaneous, Varashield
- 0993 General, Miscellaneous, Air Dryer/Heated Drain Plug
- 0994 General, Miscellaneous, Fuel Heater
- 0995 General, Miscellaneous, Hood Release
- 0996 General, Miscellaneous, Diagnostic Connector
- 1100 Power, Load Centers/Nodes
- 1110 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node
- 1111 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node, Cab LC/Node Power No.1
- 1112 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node, Cab LC/Node Power No.2
- 1113 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node, Cab LC/Node Power No.3
- 1114 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node, Cab LC/Node Power No.4
- 1115 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node, Cab LC/Node Power No.5
- 1120 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node
- 1121 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node, Chassis LC/Node Power No.1
- 1122 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node, Chassis LC/Node Power No.2
- 1123 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node, Chassis LC/Node Power No.3
- 1124 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node, Chassis LC/Node Power No.4
- 1125 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node, Chassis LC/Node Power No.5
- 1130 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Sleeper LC/Node
- 1140 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Trailer LC/Node
- 1150 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Door LC/Node
- 1190 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Misc. LC/Node
- 1200 Power, Power Bus
- 1210 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus
- 1211 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 1
- 1212 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 2
- 1213 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 3
- 1214 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 4
- 1215 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 5
- 1216 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 6
- 1217 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 7
- 1218 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 8
- 1219 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 9
- 1220 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus
- 1221 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 1
- 1222 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 2
- 1223 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 3
- 1224 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 4
- 1225 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 5
- 1226 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 6
- 1227 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 7
- 1228 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 8
- 1229 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 9
- 1230 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus
- 1231 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 1
- 1232 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 2
- 1233 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 3
- 1234 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 4
- 1235 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 5
- 1236 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 6
- 1237 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 7
- 1238 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 8
- 1239 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 9
- 1240 Power, Power Bus, Start Bus
- 1250 Power, Power Bus, Clean Power
- 1260 Power, Power Bus, LVD Bus
- 1261 Power, Power Bus, LVD Bus, LVD Bus 1
- 1262 Power, Power Bus, LVD Bus, LVD Bus 2
- 1263 Power, Power Bus, LVD Bus, LVD Bus 3
- 1264 Power, Power Bus, LVD Bus, LVD Bus 4
- 1300 Power, Alternator
- 1310 Power, Alternator, Power
- 1320 Power, Alternator, Voltage Regulation
- 1321 Power, Alternator, Voltage Regulation, Voltage Sense
- 1322 Power, Alternator, Voltage Regulation, "I" Terminal, Field Excitation
- 1400 Power, Multi-System Power
- 1410 Power, Multi-System Power, Power Group A
- 1420 Power, Multi-System Power, Power Group B
- 1430 Power, Multi-System Power, Ground Group A
- 1440 Power, Multi-System Power, Ground Group B
- 1500 Power, Grounds
- 1510 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous
- 1511 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Frame
- 1512 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Firewall
- 1513 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Engine
- 1514 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Radiator
- 1515 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Instrument Panel
- 1516 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Sleeper
- 1517 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Battery
- 1518 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, AC/Mounting Bracket
- 1519 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Starter Ground
- 1520 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous,
- 1521 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Door
- 1522 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Sleeper Switch Panel
- 1570 Power, Grounds, Spare
- 1600 Power, LVD/AC Inverter
- 1900 Power, Miscellaneous
- 1910 Power, Miscellaneous, Ignition Switch Feed
- 1920 Power, Miscellaneous, Battery Charging
- 1921 Power, Miscellaneous, Battery Charging, 12 Volts Charge
- 1922 Power, Miscellaneous, Battery Charging, 24 Volts Charge
- 1930 Power, Miscellaneous, 5 Volts Power
- 1931 Power, Miscellaneous, 5 Volts Power, Coolant Level Sensor Power
- 2100 Lighting, Headlights
- 2110 Lighting, Headlights, Low Beams
- 2111 Lighting, Headlights, Low Beams, LH
- 2112 Lighting, Headlights, Low Beams, RH
- 2120 Lighting, Headlights, High Beams
- 2121 Lighting, Headlights, High Beams, LH
- 2122 Lighting, Headlights, High Beams, RH
- 2130 Lighting, Headlights, Daytime Running Lights
- 2131 Lighting, Headlights, Daytime Running Lights, LH
- 2132 Lighting, Headlights, Daytime Running Lights, RH
- 2140 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control
- 2141 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control, Headlight Switch
- 2142 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control, Dimmer Switch
- 2143 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control, Flash
- 2144 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control, Flash Relay Control
- 2145 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control, Flash Switch
- 2300 Lighting, Turn Indicators
- 2310 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Front/Mid
- 2311 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Front/Mid, LH
- 2312 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Front/Mid, RH
- 2313 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Front/Mid, LH DRL
- 2314 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Front/Mid, RH DRL
- 2320 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Rear
- 2321 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Rear, LH
- 2322 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Rear, RH
- 2330 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Trailer
- 2331 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Trailer, LH
- 2332 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Trailer, RH
- 2400 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights
- 2410 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights
- 2411 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights, Tail Lights
- 2412 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights, Marker Lights
- 2414 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights, Clearance/ID Lights
- 2415 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights, Stop Lights
- 2416 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights, Auxiliary Marker Light
- 2420 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Trailer Lights
- 2421 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Trailer Lights, Tail Lights
- 2422 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Trailer Lights, Marker, Clearance & ID
- 2423 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Trailer Lights, Trailer Stop Lights
- 2600 Lighting, Interior Lighting
- 2610 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights
- 2611 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, Cab Dome
- 2612 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, Cab Courtesy
- 2613 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, Sleeper Dome
- 2614 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, Sleeper Courtesy
- 2615 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, LH And RH Tool Box
- 2616 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, RH Only Tool Box
- 2617 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, LH Door Dome
- 2618 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, RH Door Dome
- 2619 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, Footwell Lights
- 2620 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dash/Panel Illumination
- 2621 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dash/Panel Illumination, Gauges & Clusters
- 2622 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dash/Panel Illumination, Switches
- 2623 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dash/Panel Illumination, Sleeper Switch Panel
- 2624 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dash/Panel Illumination, Auxiliary Backlighting
- 2630 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Lights,
- 2631 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Lights, LH
- 2632 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Lights, RH
- 2640 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Jamb Switches
- 2641 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Jamb Switches, LH
- 2642 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Jamb Switches, RH
- 2643 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Jamb Switches, LH Toolbox
- 2644 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Jamb Switches, RH Toolbox
- 2900 Lighting, Miscellaneous
- 2910 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Beacons & Sirens
- 2911 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Beacons & Sirens, Beacon/Sign
- 2912 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Beacons & Sirens, Beacon Control
- 2913 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Beacons & Sirens, Siren
- 2920 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Step
- 2921 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Step, LH
- 2922 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Step, RH
- 2930 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Under Hood
- 2940 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot
- 2941 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot, Flood/Work/Load Lights
- 2942 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot, LH Spot Light
- 2943 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot, RH Spot Light
- 2944 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot, Additional Load Light No.1
- 2945 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot, Additional Load Light No.2
- 2950 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights
- 2951 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Fog No.1 Set LH
- 2952 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Fog No.1 Set RH
- 2953 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Fog No.2 Set LH
- 2954 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Fog No.2 Set RH
- 2955 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Driving No.1 Set LH
- 2956 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Driving No.1 Set RH
- 2957 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Driving No.2 Set LH
- 2958 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Driving No.2 Set RH
- 2960 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Backup Lights
- 2970 Lighting, Miscellaneous, General Exterior Lights
- 2971 Lighting, Miscellaneous, General Exterior Lights, Cab Mounted Panellites
- 2972 Lighting, Miscellaneous, General Exterior Lights, Sleeper Mounted Panellites
- 2973 Lighting, Miscellaneous, General Exterior Lights, Sleeper Ext. Mounted Panellites
- 2980 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Hazard
- 2990 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Multi-Function Module
- 2991 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Multi-Function Module, Common (Switch)
- 3100 Powertrain, Engine Functions
- 3110 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU
- 3111 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, ECU Power
- 3112 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, ECU Wake Up
- 3113 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, 5 Volts Supply
- 3114 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, 8 Volts Supply
- 3115 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, Common No.1 (Switch)
- 3116 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, Common No.2 (General)
- 3117 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, Common No.3 (Sensor)
- 3118 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, Idle Interlock Input
- 3119 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, Common Return No.4 (Temp/Level)
- 3120 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Start Assists
- 3121 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Start Assists, Grid Heater A
- 3122 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Start Assists, Grid Heater B
- 3123 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Start Assists, Ether Start
- 3124 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Start Assists, Flamestart
- 3130 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Retarder
- 3131 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Retarder, Engine Retarder Low/Hi
- 3132 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Retarder, Engine Retarder Med./Hi
- 3133 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Retarder, Engine Retarder ON/OFF
- 3140 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle
- 3141 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Primary Cab Throttle Sense No.1
- 3142 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Primary Cab Throttle Sense No.2
- 3143 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Remote Throttle Enable
- 3144 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Remote Throttle Signal Input
- 3145 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Idle Increment
- 3146 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Idle Decrement
- 3147 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Idle Validation OFF
- 3148 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Idle Validation Signal
- 3149 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Torque Limit Switch
- 3150 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems
- 3151 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems, Interlock
- 3152 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems, Idle Alarm
- 3153 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems, Timer
- 3154 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems, Thermostat Input
- 3155 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems, Ignition Relay Control
- 3160 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Cruise Control
- 3161 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Cruise Control, Cruise ON/OFF
- 3162 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Cruise Control, Cruise Set/Accelerate
- 3163 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Cruise Control, Cruise Resume/Decelerate
- 3170 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Coolant System
- 3171 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Coolant System, Low Coolant Module
- 3180 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input
- 3181 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Output No.1
- 3182 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Output No.2
- 3183 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Output No.3
- 3184 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Output No.4
- 3185 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Output No.5
- 3186 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Input No.1
- 3190 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous,
- 3191 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Fan Clutch
- 3192 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Fan Override
- 3193 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Kill
- 3194 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Remote Engine Kill
- 3195 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Ignore Brake/Clutch Switch
- 3196 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Governor
- 3197 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Fuel Pump
- 3198 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Multifunction Circuit No.1
- 3199 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Multifunction Circuit No.2
- 3200 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions
- 3210 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment
- 3211 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Exhaust Inlet Temp. Sensor
- 3212 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Exhaust Mid Temp. Sensor
- 3213 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Exhaust Outlet Temp. Sensor
- 3214 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Exhaust Delta Press. Sensor
- 3215 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, ECU Power
- 3216 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Fuel Injector
- 3217 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Fuel Solenoid
- 3218 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Air Solenoid
- 3219 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Fuel Pressure Sensor
- 3220 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment,
- 3221 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Air Pressure Sensor
- 3222 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Force Regeneration
- 3223 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Inhibit Regeneration
- 3300 Powertrain, Transmission Functions
- 3310 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, ECU,
- 3311 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, ECU, ECU Power
- 3312 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, ECU, ECU Wake Up
- 3320 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters
- 3321 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Modulation
- 3322 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Solenoid
- 3323 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Manual Override
- 3324 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Actuator Motor 1A
- 3325 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Actuator Motor 1B
- 3326 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Actuator Motor 2A
- 3327 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Actuator Motor 2B
- 3328 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Position Sense 1
- 3329 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Position Sense 2
- 3330 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Control Units
- 3331 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Control Units, Trans. In Gear
- 3340 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Misc. Trans. Input/Output,
- 3341 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Misc. Trans. Input/Output, Misc. Transmission Input No.1
- 3342 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Misc. Trans. Input/Output, Misc. Transmission Output No.1
- 3343 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Misc. Trans. Input/Output, Misc. Transmission Output No.2
- 3390 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous,
- 3391 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Neutral Start
- 3392 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Lock-Up
- 3393 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Top-2
- 3394 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Neutral INDICATOR
- 3395 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Range Indicator No.1
- 3396 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Range Indicator No.2
- 3397 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Range Indicator No.3
- 3398 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Top-2 Shift Solenoid
- 3399 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Top-2 Lockout Solenoid
- 3400 Powertrain, Hybrid System
- 3410 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter
- 3411 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver S1
- 3412 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver S2
- 3413 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver S3
- 3414 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver S4
- 3415 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver Plus
- 3416 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver Minus
- 3417 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Precharge Plus
- 3418 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Precharge Minus
- 3419 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Relay Box Enable
- 3420 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter
- 3421 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Main: Plus, Plus
- 3422 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Main: Plus, Minus
- 3423 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Main: Minus, Plus
- 3424 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Main: Minus, Minus
- 3430 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module
- 3431 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, Crank Interlock
- 3432 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, Coolant Pump
- 3433 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, Battery Fan
- 3434 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, Heat Exchanger Fan
- 3435 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, Inverter Enable
- 3436 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, HV Relay
- 3440 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Electric Clutch Actuator
- 3500 Powertrain, PTO'S & Transfer Cases
- 3510 Powertrain, PTO'S & Transfer Cases, PTO
- 3511 Powertrain, PTO'S & Transfer Cases, PTO, PTO ON/OFF
- 3512 Powertrain, PTO'S & Transfer Cases, PTO, PTO Set
- 3513 Powertrain, PTO'S & Transfer Cases, PTO, PTO Resume
- 3514 Powertrain, PTO'S & Transfer Cases, PTO, Transmission PTO No.1
- 3515 Powertrain, PTO'S & Transfer Cases, PTO, Transmission PTO No.2
- 3516 Powertrain, PTO'S & Transfer Cases, PTO, Transmission PTO No.3
- 3520 Powertrain, PTO'S & Transfer Cases, Transfer Case
- 3521 Powertrain, PTO'S & Transfer Cases, Transfer Case, Front Drive Axle Engage
- 3600 Powertrain, Axles
- 3610 Powertrain, Axles, Cross Lock/Differential Lock
- 3611 Powertrain, Axles, Cross Lock/Differential Lock, Front-Rear Differential Lock
- 3612 Powertrain, Axles, Cross Lock/Differential Lock, Center-Rear Differential Lock
- 3613 Powertrain, Axles, Cross Lock/Differential Lock, Rear Rear Differential Lock
- 3620 Powertrain, Axles, Interaxle Lock
- 3630 Powertrain, Axles, 2-Speed Axle
- 3631 Powertrain, Axles, 2-Speed Axle, 2-Speed Axle Pressure Switch
- 3640 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation
- 3641 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Steer Solenoid
- 3642 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Drive Solenoid
- 3643 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Trailer Solenoid
- 3644 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Supply Solenoid
- 3645 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Deflate Solenoid
- 3646 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Control Solenoid
- 3647 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Axle Config 1
- 3648 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Axle Config 2
- 3649 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, CTI Pressure
- 3650 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation,
- 3651 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, CTI Tank Pressure Switch
- 3690 Powertrain, Axles, Miscellaneous,
- 3700 Powertrain, Suspensions
- 3900 Powertrain, Miscellaneous
- 3910 Powertrain, Miscellaneous
- 3911 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Starter, Starter Relay To Starter
- 3912 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Starter, Starter Switch To Starter RELAY
- 3913 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Starter, Remote Start
- 3914 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Starter, Starter Interrupt
- 3920 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Engine Heaters
- 3930 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Glow Plug
- 3940 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Driveline Retarder
- 3950 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Exhaust Retarder,
- 3951 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Exhaust Retarder, Exhaust Retarder ON/OFF
- 3960 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Overspeed Shutdown
- 3970 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Powertrain,
- 3971 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Powertrain, Ign Power
- 4100 Instrumentation, Gauges
- 4120 Instrumentation, Gauges, Data
- 4140 Instrumentation, Gauges, Analog Input To Gauges
- 4141 Instrumentation, Gauges, Analog Input To Gauges, Speedometer
- 4142 Instrumentation, Gauges, Analog Input To Gauges, Tachometer
- 4200 Instrumentation, Power
- 4210 Instrumentation, Power, Battery
- 4211 Instrumentation, Power, Battery, LVD Sense
- 4220 Instrumentation, Power, Ignition
- 4221 Instrumentation, Power, Ignition, LVD Override
- 4230 Instrumentation, Power, Accessory
- 4300 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators
- 4310 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine
- 4311 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Inspect Engine
- 4312 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Stop Engine
- 4313 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Inspect Fluids
- 4314 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Inspect Coolant
- 4315 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Coolant Temp High/Low
- 4316 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Oil Temp High
- 4317 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Fan ON
- 4318 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Cruise ON
- 4319 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Engine Brake ON
KENWORTH. Коды неисправностей 2 часть.